Biodiversity : at the heart of our actions for sustainable development.

“We think that the pillar of our job as quarry is managing the environmental impacts. To make this a reality and to improve day after day, we frequently measure our impact on the environment to avoid any incident as regard to noise, vibrations, water, dust, waste, transport, landscape and biodiversity. We train and raise awareness of our collaborators for them to commit to this impact reduction purpose.”

[Extract of the environmental policy of the CB Group]



The CB Group has implement a strong policy to preserve habitats, flora and fauna through a series of measures.

  • Installation of beehives near sites in partnership with local bee-keepers.
  • Monitoring of the reproduction of the Great Horned Owl on the Ferques and Limont-Fontaine sites in partnership with ornithological associations.
  • Tracking of coastal swallows and alytes in the Rhone-Alpes region.
  • Maintenance of areas with floral potential by sheep grazing (local breeds) in partnership with the 2 Caps and Avesnois Regional Natural Parks.
  • Setting up of regular training courses on the environment to increase awareness among our teams.



Our desire is to control our impacts on the environment in a homogeneous manner on all our sites.

  • Various steps are taken to limit nuisances caused by noise, vibrations, dust, transport, waste as well as the impacts on water and the landscape.
  • We are developing transport solutions to replace road freight, by water or rail and multimodal distribution platforms for our materials.
  • We draw up the carbon footprint of each site.