Legal notices 


The use of this website is subject to the following Terms and Conditions. By using the information made available by Les Granulats du Groupe CB on its website you confirm that you have read and agreed to the present terms and conditions. 


Carrières du Boulonnais 
French SAS with a share capital of 8 000 000 € registered as the RCS Boulogne-sur-Mer
SIRET 541 750 550 000025 – NAF 0812 Z – TVA FR 75 541 750 550


26 avenue de l’Europe – 62 250 Leulinghen-Bernes – FRANCE


communication department at Les Granulats du Groupe CB

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Website host:

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a subsidiary of Ililade group
ONLINE SAS BP 438 75366 Paris Cedex 08
registered at the RCS Paris 
RCS Paris B 433 115 904 

Photos credits:

les granulats du Groupe CB | Sophie and Laurent Mayeux Photographies | Sébastien Jarry | Wilfried Antoine Desvaux 

Scope of the content:

The information, espacially regarding produtcs, communicated on the site of Granulats du Groupe CB is provided as an indication. Granulats du Groupe CB declines all liability for the site content which can be modified or updated without notice.

Intellectual property: 

All of the items on the site of Granulats du Groupe CB are protected by the provisions of the French Intellectual Property Code. Accordingly, any total or partial reproduction or copying is forbidden without Granulats du Groupe CB or the content’s author’s prior consent.

It is expressly prohibited to collect and use any information available on this site for commercial purposes. This interdiction namely applies, without this list being exhaustives, to all editoral elements featured on the website, layout of screens, software required for operation, logos, images, photos, graph of any kind.